November 2024

By Faye Gaston
Sadie Pugh was the program chairperson for the November 14 meeting of the Chunnenuggee Garden Club. She enlisted guest Renee Guthrie to demonstrate how to design a Thanksgiving-themed flower arrangement. Guthrie furnished each attendee with a sack of flowers, greenery, and a styrofoam base. She gave instructions as each person designed an arrangement that could be placed on a low or high container as a centerpiece for a Thanksgiving meal.

By Felicia Farnsworth
On Wednesday, November 20, We Do Care In-Home Services’ Angelica Byrd and Community Volunteers held a Paint and Sip party for the senior citizens at the Union Springs Nutrition Center. The seniors enjoyed a light snack with some sparkling grape juice while they chose a fall picture to paint.

Chick-N-Pups Canine Crusade surprised Nutrition Center pet parents with Thanksgiving Goodie Bags for their dogs and cats. Photo submitted by Jennifer Gallagher, owner of Chick-N-Pups Canine Crusade.
By Felicia Farnsworth
Every November, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of the month, a holiday deeply rooted in the narrative of the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag people's 1621 harvest feast. The day following Thanksgiving, Native American Heritage Day serves as a recognition of the vibrant cultures, traditions, and contributions of Indigenous peoples in the United States. Together, these two days create an opportunity to reflect on history, acknowledge complexity, and celebrate diversity.

Staff Reports
The Model Garden Club met on Tuesday afternoon, November 19 at the lovely country home of Becke Blanton in Fitzpatrick. Hostesses were Becke and Barbara Knaus. After the business meeting, Master Gardener Jane Mott Martin presented the program on bulbs. She provided members with a handout containing information on types of bulbs, how to choose the right bulb, and when and how to plant them.

This sweet girl is Clover. She is spayed, heartworm-negative, approximately 1.5 years old, up to date on all shots and the rabies one-year vaccination, and she is on heartworm and flea prevention. Clover has been at the shelter since she was a puppy. This young lady is ready for a family that will love and pamper her. She is great with other dogs and loves people. Clover is petite and appears to be setter mixed. Clover is available for foster or adoption now! She is a beautiful and precious pup; how could you not want this sweet baby girl?
Willie Spears

By T. Shepherd
Is your love of this community as rooted and deep as some of our founders?
The history of Union Springs is so deep and amazing. Union Springs was originally part of four counties: Pike, Macon, Barbour and Montgomery, before being combined to form what we call “Bullock County.” Can you imagine leaving family and property thousands of miles from here (Connecticut) - a land so different in culture, weather, terrain and even government structure?

By Felicia Farnsworth
The Children and Mentors Outdoors (CAMO) held their annual Field Day Shooting and Archery at Harris Park in Midway, AL. on Saturday, November 16. The weather made for a bright and sunshine-filled day for the seventeen children who participated in the three-hour event. Activities included learning how to properly shoot a bow and arrow as well as a pellet gun and learning the proper safety measures to use when doing so.