By Felicia Farnsworth
By Felicia Farnsworth
By Felicia Farnsworth
For sixty-three years the Alabama Democratic Conference has held a luncheon for all members to attend. This year the theme was Alabama Democrats: Healing and Building Together. The conference was held on May 6th at the Renaissance Montgomery Hotel and Spa at the Convention Center. Eight members of the Bullock County ADC were able to attend this year’s event.
At the Bullock County Humane Society, they call me “Bella” and though they all say it's because of my sweet personality, I know it's because I'm the prettiest little “Tabi-o” around. I love my kitty friends, especially “Hilda,” so I'll get along nicely if you have other kitties in the house! But I'd be just as happy to be any only cat, where I could get all the love and your undivided attention. I am of course already spayed, current in my rabies, and up to date on all my FVRCP shots. If you’d like to meet me, please call the BCHS at 334-738-7387 and set up an appointment.
By Jeffery L. Moore
By Kim Adams Graham
Bullock County Emergency Management (EMA) Director Ray Scott received white Post Mortem Bags with a straight zipper from the Alabama Department of Health. EMA Director Scott passed out the bags to the four funeral homes in Bullock County: Allen Funeral Home, Carter Funeral Home, Gray Funeral Home, and Poe’s Memory Chapel. Scott has recently received some tables and chairs from the Lee County EMA to assist in starting an Emergency Operations Center in Bullock County.
By J.D. Devine
Alabama Governor Kay Ivey held several signing ceremonies during which she signed a number of bills into law. Some of the new laws include new streamlined regulatory processes for state adoptions; a new financial literacy and money management course requirement for all Alabama high school students; a bill that extends the amount of time that nonprofit veterans’ organizations have to comply with state and local building codes when acquiring a former armory building; and more.
In my opinion, twenty years from now, our public schools will be for those who have no choice. Most public schools have discipline problems and a teacher shortage. One may be the cause of the others.
This is not an op-ed on public vs. private schools. My children have attended both public and private schools, and my wife and I have worked in both public and private schools.
This article is about the power of schools.
Bullock County High School students have participated in Commencement at Wallace Community College in Dothan, AL for three consecutive years. This year six students earned their short certificate from Wallace Community College and now have graduated from Bullock County High School on May 19, 2023. Dr. Lowe said, “Thank you, Wallace Community College, for partnering with Bullock County Schools. What an accomplishment!!!”
By Faye Gaston
Cathy Ellis was the gracious hostess at Dream Field Farms for the May 11, 2023 meeting of the Chunnenuggee Garden Club. Twelve members of the fourteen on roll were present. Luncheon was served at an elegant formal table setting with a large centerpiece of assorted flowers and candles. Barbara Cox prayed for the blessing.