Griffin (like his sisters Fluffy and Fawkes) was found hiding in the pine straw bales at our local feed store. Griffin was the first kitten to be caught and only a few weeks old. He required bottle feeding until we could finally catch his momma, but by then he had imprinted on his foster momma and wouldn’t accept his kitty momma. Because of this, Griffin is extremely loyal and very trusting of humans. He is one of our “extremely socialized” and adoption-ready kittens. He is good with lots of different cats and dogs, house-trained and very loving!
December 2024
4 December, 2024
Staff Reports
The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA) proudly announces the graduation of 21 Trooper Trainees from Class 2024-B. This milestone event, held at ALEA’s Training Center (ATC) in Selma, signifies their successful completion of rigorous training and preparation to serve the citizens of Alabama.
4 December, 2024
Willie Spears
When I entered the seventh grade I started playing middle school football. I was not good enough to make our basketball team. I was not brave enough to try out for our wrestling team. I was not talented enough to pick up an instrument and join the band.