By Kim Adams Graham
On March 13, 2023, an online tag renewal transaction was made by Ms. Georgia Campbell in the Bullock County Judge of Probate Office for the first time. On March 21, 2023, Judge Tatum invited Ms. Campbell to the Office of Judge of Probate and presented her with a beautiful plaque and $100.00 in cash in honor of being the first recipient of the online tag renewal process. Her plaque reads, “Bullock County Probate Office - Congratulations to Georgia Campbell as the first person to renew a Bullock County tag online on March 13, 2023.” The plaque was signed by James E. Tatum, Bullock County Judge of Probate.
Ms. Campbell appreciated her gifts and was honored to be the first registrant to renew her tag online making history in Bullock County.
The process is very user-friendly. To renew online, you must have your renewal notice which contains the tag number and a PIN number. You can only renew your registration during your renewal month. If you do not receive a renewal notice, you cannot renew your tag online. Each day during regular business hours, the clerks will receive a notification if a registrant has renewed online. Once received by the Office of Judge of Probate, the clerk will process the transaction, and decals will be mailed out the same day to the address on file. However, if there's been a change of address, please visit the Office of the Judge of Probate to update your address upon renewal.
To renew online, visit the website www.tagpayments.com. The site is accessible twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. All new registrations must be processed at the Office of the Judge of Probate.